These workshops are organized by Teaching Commons to provide support and practical strategies and advice to all Graduate Students at York University. These sessions range in time from an hour to a full day curriculum and are facilitated by Teaching Commons Staff, Faculty and Staff members from across the university, and participants in our Senior Teaching Assistant Program. The topics range but are designed to offer support at every level of teaching experience.Note that if you are interested in participating in one of our TA Orientation sessions, please visit our Graduate Students Events page.
See how your participation in these workshops can help you earn your 'Record of Completion' Certificate. Click on any of the links below for a full description of each workshop and to register.
- Workshops on Planning and Design
- Workshops on Dealing with Challenges
- Workshops on Graduate Student Personal and Professional Development
Framework for Teaching Assistant Competencies
Below we map all of the workshops and some events offered by the Teaching Commons to the Framework for TA Competencies developed by TAGSA.
TAs Should Seek Knowledge Of
What is meant by learning-centeredness
Applicable courses:
- Making meaningful connections with your students
- Supporting first year students in transition and maintaining student retention
- Teaching students with disabilities: Tips for TAs
Pedagogical knowledge and teaching strategies suitable to duties assigned
Applicable courses:
- Participatory learning: how to engage your students
- Using active learning strategies in your teaching
- Teaching critical reading skills workshop for TAs
- Teaching critical writing skills workshop for TAs
Discipline specific content knowledge related to the course assigned
Applicable courses:
- Discipline specific workshops designed and facilitates by STAs
TAs Should Have Skills About
What is required to perform duties assigned
Applicable courses:
- Designing your tutorial
- Marking and grading workshop for graduate students
- Learn how to use Prezi for your tutorials
- Teaching with technology and in an online environment
How to navigate challenges
Applicable courses:
- Let's talk about social inequalities: addressing critical and often emotionally charged issues in tutorial
- Classroom strategies for when they haven't done the reading
- Academic integrity in the classroom
- Reading week is over: strategies to maintain and inspire student motivation
- Human rights in the classroom
- Dealing with classroom and student conflict
TAs Should Have The Ability To
Demonstrate professionalism
Applicable courses:
- Teaching, research and a life? Finding the right balance
Develop a personal teaching identity
Applicable courses:
- Learn how to "DO" a teaching dossier
- How do I know I am on the right track? Strategies to evaluate my own
TAs Should Reflect On
The skills and attributes brought from previous work and disciplinary experience
Applicable courses:
- TA Orientation
- ITA Orientation

*adapted from the TAGSA Framework for TA Competencies