The Teaching Commons offers a variety of workshops to assist those who teach at York in their teaching design and practice. These sessions range in time from an hour and a half to a full day curriculum. Click on any of the links below for a full description of the workshop and to register.
- Supervising Graduate Students - Workshops
- Workshops on Course & Curriculum Design
- Workshops on eLearning
- Workshops on Experiential Education (EE)
- Workshops on the First Year Student Experience
- Monthly Webinar Series
- Ateliers en français (Collège Glendon)
- Putting Together Your Teaching Dossier Workshop
- Workshops on the scholarship of teaching and learning
- To register for the Instructional Skills Workshop please visit our Courses page
In addition to the above workshops, we are happy to arrange workshops on demand for groups of 6 or more. Contact with your request. Past topics include the following:
- Teaching Indigenous Content Workshop
- Complexity Pedagogy and e-Learning with Daagu Workshop
- Dealing with Disruptions in the Classroom
- Alternatives to the Essay
- Managing student expectations and behaviours in the classroom: Planning
- Teaching with Wikipedia Workshop
- Supporting York University Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder