
York University's "Red and White Day"  is a bi-annual (October and March) celebration which affords students the opportunity to actively demonstrate their school spirit by among other things,  wearing York's institutional colours of red and white.   This day is a fun celebration that engages and unites all members of the York Community (students,  faculty and staff) in shared pride and appreciation for being a part of York's dynamic community.

This coming Red and White Day in March, 2016,  in addition to sporting York's traditional colours, students are for the first time given the opportunity to try a different technique of making their voices heard through the "Thank-a-Prof" program.

York University students have successfully pursued leading global careers in fields as diverse as Fine Arts and the Sciences.   Many of them were powerfully influenced by an academic mentor at York.    Thank-a-Prof  offers current students an easy to use, discrete platform by which they can let a special York Educator know what a positive difference they have effected in their lives.


Say thanks now - your comments will be treated anonymously and confidentially.  the Teaching Commons will not retain any comments after TAP letters to each professor are distributed.

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