Haiku Assessment

Pam Birtill, University of Leeds

Name of the recipe: Haiku assessment

Ingredients (any equipment or supplies needed for the activity)

Method (what you do)

  • Give people 2 minutes to write a haiku, with no further information.
  • Then provide them with slightly more information (haiku is a Japanese poem, with 5, 7, 5 syllables).
  • Then ask them to swap poems around, and mark them according to the rules that you have printed out.
  • This leads into a discussion about fairness in marking, about assessment criteria, about hidden curriculum.
  • You can provide a typical ‘assessment rubric’ grid, exemplars, etc to support the discussion and deepen conversation, according to your goals.

Special Notes

  • I’m happy to share the powerpoint I used for this session, if it’s helpful.
