Workshops on Graduate Student Personal and Professional Development

The Teaching Commons offers a series of workshops for graduate students to develop themselves personally and professionally.

Teaching, Research, and a Life? Finding the Right Balance

Teaching, Research, A Life, oh my! Up to your eyeballs in  tutorial  or lab preparation, marking, course work, research etc.  with no light at the end of the tunnel? Finding the right balance NOW is essential to your well-being. Take a break and end this preposterous cycle with others in the same boat by joining our 1 hour informative and supportive workshop.  One-hour spent at this workshop will save you numerous hours later on.  We promise there's a light at the end of the tunnel...we'll discover it together.

In this workshop you will interact with the other participants and develop a plan to follow to ensure you balance all of your responsibilities and leave time for yourself, family and friends!

Thursday February 7, 2019, 12-1pm in DB 1014
Register for Teaching, Research, and a Life? Finding the Right Balance

How do I know I'm on the Right Track? Strategies to evaluate my OWN Teaching

TAs usually ask themselves, “How well am I teaching?”. This should not be a rhetorical question because the practice of evaluation is already part of a culture of education widely recognized by students and teachers alike. For this reason this workshop aims to explore different strategies that TAs can use to evaluate their teaching practice with an opportunity for participants to experience some of these strategies and evaluate and discuss with others which will work best for them, or in which situation.

Please also see our TA Feedback Guide - a resource to help you with different strategies to evaluate your teaching.

Wednesday March 6, 2019, 12-1pm in DB 1014
Register for How do I know I'm on the Right Track? Strategies to evaluate my OWN Teaching

Participants that have attended this workshop also attended:
Learn how to "DO" a Teaching Dossier

Learn How to "DO" a Teaching Dossier

The teaching dossier or teaching portfolio is a condensed reflection of your teaching philosophy and accomplishments. It essentially serves as a tool that will provide evidence of your teaching quality and effectiveness. This session is intended to provide you with the basics of creating and assembling your own teaching dossier as well as an opportunity to see examples of dossiers from others academia.  You will have the opportunity to interact with other participants to help you start thinking about, forming and writing your own teaching philosophy statement.  So,  please join us as we provide an overview of the must-sees of the teaching dossier and discuss its purpose, construction, and also the evaluation of teaching dossiers.

Wednesday April 24, 2019, 10am - 12pm in DB 1014
Register for Learn How to "DO" a Teaching Dossier

Participants that have attended this workshop also attended:
How do I know I'm on the Right Track? Strategies to evaluate my OWN Teaching