Comic Jams: Exploring experiential education and enhancing teaching and learning

Naomi Norquay and Tina Rapke

The session directors (Naomi Norquay and Tina Rapke) have been using COMIC JAMS in their own classrooms to encourage students to communicate what they know about course content and build on their peers' ideas through simple drawings and dialogue balloons. Specifically, a student starts the comic in one frame and then another student continues the story in the next comic frame. This continues for 2 to 3 more iterations. The intentions behind COMIC JAMS are for students to build shared understanding by analyzing and building upon their peers' ideas and approaches.  Session participants will analyze comic jams that were collected in York University classrooms to discuss learning. Session participants will engage in their own comic jams, in hopes to build shared understanding about what experiential education might look like in York University classrooms.