Put Student Smartphones to Use in the Classroom Using Kahoot!

Wendy McGuire

In this interactive session, you will learn about the free online gaming program, Kahoot! Through this program, you can create games that students play, as individuals or in teams, using their smartphones or laptops during class. Kahoot quizzes use multiple choice and true-false questions to test student learning on course content. Participants, whose names (or pseudonyms), appear on the screen, are awarded points for speed and accuracy. Wrong answers provide an opportunity to pause and have class discussion. You can also have students work together to design their own Kahoot quizzes for the rest of the class. In this session you will play a Kahoot game and then create your own Kahoot quiz, leaving with a new tool you can immediately use in your teaching toolkit. Kahoot is loud! It’s fun! And it’s easy! Bring your smartphone or laptop to play.