Using Digital Media for Active Learning and Instant Feedback

Jon Sufrin

This presentation models active two-way learning in lecture contexts using the digital media platforms of Twitter (instant feedback and response) and Socrative (Think-Pair-Share & Short Answer). In part one, the presenter will explain his own recent (2017) research results on reflective feedback assignments for students in large first year courses. Participants will be asked to respond to the presentation in real-time to the instructor’s Twitter account, @WRIT2004. In part two, the presenter will model Deep, Surface, and Strategic Learning strategies, arguing that Strategic Learning should be recognized as part of the lived reality of our students. Participants will be invited to pair up, formulate a short response, and post it online using software from A brief discussion will follow. Finally, in part three, the presenter will compile representative tweets received during part 1 (reflective research) in a few PowerPoint slides, and interact with the audience regarding their submitted responses.