Formative Classroom Observation Program

The Teaching Commons is offering colleagues who teach at York (Course Directors) the opportunity to participate in a formative teaching observation. This process is not a formal evaluation or assessment, but rather a voluntary and collaborative activity designed to inspire a reflective dialogue on classroom teaching. This program is open to a course at any level and of any type (e.g. lecture, seminar, etc).

Typically, this process is centered on your goals for participating in the program and a classroom observation by an Educational Developer. By engaging in this process, you will gain insight into your current teaching practice while also exploring diverse teaching strategies or course design ideas. 

An Educational Developer will meet with you to discuss your goals and review details of the process prior to the observation, observe you teach a class, and then meet with you to engage in a reflective conversation inspired by a series of questions designed to encourage discussion around your goals for the observation process. 

The process and all related communications will be strictly confidential; your participation in the process will be kept private and any details or records of meetings and resulting conversations will not be shared.

To learn more, or to schedule your initial meeting, please contact Lisa Endersby, Educational Developer, at