One Minute Paper

Contributor: Lisa Endersby, York University (

Ingredients: Paper (e.g. an index card or single sheet of paper) and pen/pencil for each participant; A timekeeping device (e.g. stopwatch or clock)

(*Note: This can also be done electronically on a course forum or similar website)


1. Display/share prompt question(s) with participants. Commonly used questions are some variation on:

  • What was the most useful thing you learned during this session?
  • What questions do you still have after this session?

2. Participants are given exactly (or as close to exactly) one minute to write their response(s) to the question(s).

3. At the end of the minute, participants and the facilitator can debrief responses in several different ways, including:

  • Handing in papers for the facilitator to review and respond to individually or in a subsequent class meeting
  • Think-Pair-Share with a peer or group of peers
  • Facilitator selecting or asking for volunteers to read their response(s) aloud

Special Notes: Depending on the context and/or nature of the questions, participants can be encouraged to include their name with their response(s). Responses can also be anonymous to help encourage deeper reflection and/or a more critical review of the lesson.

Acknowledgements: I can't take credit for this idea; Multiple colleagues and diverse teaching & learning resource sites/centres have written about different variations of this strategy.


One Minute Papers: A Way to Further Design Thinking

One-Minute Paper - On Course Workshop

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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