Learning Together about Teaching: Pursuing Critical Pedagogy as a Community of Practice

Pat Breton, Katherine Chung, Mariela Giuliano, Raha Sheivari

Teaching critical learning often presents challenges for teachers and students. How can the efforts of critical educators be supported within a community of practice? Critical education seeks to develop students’ critical consciousness and generate awareness and discussion around social inequities. As TAs and course directors from across various disciplines, we came together as a critical pedagogies reading group. Our purpose: to share questions, experiences, and ongoing struggles related to developing participatory classrooms, where critical approaches often contribute to student and teacher discomfort. What have we learned as a community of practice? In this interactive workshop, we will share our experiences, challenges, and insights as a group united by our interest in critical and student-centred learning. Participants will have the opportunity to break into small groups for discussion, and will consider what being involved in a community of practice could mean for their own teaching.

Session Slides (PDF)

Session Handout (PDF)