Lego as a Teaching Tool

Lego as a tool for teaching and learning can be implemented across disciplines, topics, and classrooms as a means to encourage creative and critical thinking. It can also help to create an environment where creativity and risk taking is encouraged, often involving less fear than drawing, writing, or painting as a means of creative expression. Explore the resources below or contact us at the Teaching Commons to learn more about how Lego can help to unlock the creative potential in your students.

Exploring Play in Higher Education offers a comprehensive introduction to play as a teaching tool and valuable learning opportunity in the post secondary classroom.

The Lego Serious Play website includes a number of resources for educators interested in exploring the use of Lego in their classroom, alongside additional readings and opportunities for professional development.

Visit this page to read reflections from faculty members on how they have used Lego in their own classrooms.

This journal article explores the application of Lego Serious Play in the classroom, including three principles that may help frame and facilitate using Lego for learning.

Simmons & Daley (2013) explore the integration of the arts into classroom pedagogy. This article may be a useful resource to begin a discussion of incorporating multiple means of teaching and learning into the classroom that both support and encourage creativity.

The Use of Lego Serious Play in the Engineering Design Classroom offers some insights into using Lego to help students develop skills in problem solving, team building, innovation, and strategic planning.

This article on Lego Baseplate Ideas offers a number of suggestions for how to create surfaces for students to create with Lego in the classroom.

Upcoming Workshops


Using LEGO in the Classroom

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 | 1-3pm | DB 1014


Interested in learning more? Join us for an upcoming workshop or contact Lisa Endersby, Educational Developer, at to schedule an individual consultation.